Developing New Artists – Children’s Workshops with Deyanira
Art Workshops for Children
This May Deyanira Ortega will lead fun and inspiring art workshops for children, Developing New Artists in Encounters Open House. Places are limited, so book early by email to deyor69@hotmail.com
Workshops will be held on: 13th, 26th and 27th May
Time: 2pm (for about an hour)
Cost including materials: £6 (both sessions)
The workshop will be in two sessions:
The first session will be an easy and simple introduction to the concept of art, showing materials that can be used and art techniques.
In the second session Deyanira will give a drawing warm-up followed by practice of techniques using pencils, charcoal, wax, felt-tip pens and brushes.
Children of all ages and abilities will be welcome. Adults too!
Art is an excellent brain training exercise which stimulate our senses allowing us to be innovative and creative. Art helps to boost memory and to develop self-esteem, improving interpersonal and social skills.
Tutor: Deyanira Ortega Girón (current CRB check-First Aid training-Early Years NVQ2) Level 1 and Level 2 in progress Art and Design City Guild Certificate at Friends Centre Experimental Drawing at Phoenix Centre.
Phone: 07870287175
Email: deyor69@hotmail.com
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