Rafael Berrio showed his work in Encounters in 2015.
Rafael Berrio comes from the Colombian Caribbean region of Barranquilla and Santa Maria. His sculptures speak of human archetypes with parallels in Africa and the Americas. More recently, Rafael’s work opens spaces of feeling and knowledge that are co-creating Britain’s multi-cultural society.
Rafael’s work relates directly to those who are working towards a world that espouses equality, environmental responsibility and celebrates diversity. In particular, where diversity can be a force for building bridges and enhancing joy within our everyday lives with and within nature.
In addition to his work as a sculptor, Rafael works with young people on projects that combine an aesthetic appreciation of Nature with an acknowledgement of its significance, working to recover and recycle natural and man-made waste products in order to create works of art.
Rafael’s contribution to Encounters in 2015 was in the garden where he created a synthesis of the ethics and aesthetics of Nature and strive to demonstrate that the Artist, using developed sensitivity, in a practical way can transform dead elements taken from Nature and give them fresh life through Art.