Stefan Mildenberger is an artist based in Hamburg whose art practice aims to capture our media saturated world by scanning audio-visual information from TV and other sources and transforming it into abstract prints. Stefan’s works have been included in several group shows in Europe and are part of private art collections. He recently had his first major solo exhibition at Kunsthaus Jesteburg, Germany. He writes: “In my work I deal with the reformulation of contents of the phenomenon of mass media. Therefore I deconstruct the actual convention by using conceptual processes and construct an abstraction with the help of coincidence. It interests me to suspend the original information of the medium and its political, cultural and social impact.”
Stefan studied at the University of Fine Arts of Hamburg, Germany with Prof. Matt Mullican and Prof. Michaela Meliàn, Member of Hinterconti E.V. für Kunst (www.hinterconti.de) His recent work includes: SCANTRIFIED TELEVISION, Vanja Contemporary, London, England. FENCE, Echoraum IX, Auflauf der Fassaaden, Bundeskunsthalle Bonn, Germany. MILDENBERGER’S SCANTRIFIED MOVIE: TITANIC, Unten am Havn Festival, Hamburg, Germany. WHAT IF THE TELEVISION IS ON with a reading from textge-bundene, “Montage”. SPEECHES YOU, TUBE AND I KNOW, Kunstverein Jesteburg, Hamburg, Germany.
Website: http://www.stefanmildenberger.de/home/press.php
Email: stefan.mildenberger@gmx.de